From January to August, a to慢音tal of 10052 China Europe山朋 freight trains were put int靜國o operation, exceeding 10000 trai愛水ns two months earlier than last答門 year, transporting 9670呢西00 TEUs, with year-on-y高分ear growth of 32% and 40% re相房spectively, and a compreh水知ensive heavy container rate of嗎家 97.9%. Under the continuous tension 司草of the international su好鐘pply chain, the China Europ來上e freight train maintains rel議購iable and stable operation, solving 哥爸the urgent needs of many ente雜樂rprises. This series 花場of data fully reflects that th他這e China Europe train has be白水come the main bridge and g志章reen channel connecting the到有 Eurasian continent. 飛技Seeking opportunities in op請訊enness and collaborating for 風的win-win results, the China Europe Ex畫件press is not only a 科熱bridge for trade between China and E歌我uropean countries, but also a能放 bridge between people along the c睡坐oast.
The "circle of friends" f關黃or win-win cooperatio亮司n is becoming increas務見ingly large. So far, the China Eur北他ope Express has laid 姐請out 73 operating lines, reachin錯站g 174 cities in 23 European count藍商ries. The logistics and tr時錯ansportation network covers t問房he entire Eurasian continent, and coas請聽tal countries have graduall那家y participated in cooperation舊商 to share the dividends generated b話說y this Chinese express.
Co construction and sharing of d錢時evelopment dividends. Behind the encr頻妹ypted operation of the China Euro老中pe train must be the continuously inc大姐reasing demand for operation, wh日明ich is also the most direct 如個manifestation of European econom他那ic recovery. As the pa費上ce of open collaboration co呢就ntinues to increase, China and E自中uropean countries continue to seek 線還more development space 草不and opportunities in collaboration. Hel南呢ping the people along the coast to lif麗物t themselves out of poverty and become嗎什 prosperous, promoting the develop店玩ment of coastal enterprises, the China 些爸Europe Railway is li章作ke a road to prosper明看ity, continuously enhancing the connect拿草ion between China and European countr照離ies. The East and We雨火st of China are transported to Europe能拍an countries, and the East and你村 West of Europe generate C會喝hina. Through frequent ec物外onomic and trade coo間科peration, we share the divi件兒dends of economic de歌業velopment and experience the beaut議女iful life generated by ope做爸nness, cooperation, and exchan紙明ge together. The operation of the但頻 China Europe train not only gene費商rates business opportunities for hun去紅dreds of thousands of會什 Chinese and foreign ente購土rprises, but also brings t兵兒angible benefits to hundre妹山ds of millions of people along the 廠他coast. The circle of friends is厭書 becoming larger, cooperation and commu小年nication are becoming closer, and the 歌金hearts of people from al快數l over the world are getting closer.水東